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CLASS: 7.Theme of the lesson: A web page


Long-term plan unit: 6


School: Kazakh boarding school №3 for gifted students

Lesson 7

Date: 06.02

Teacher’s name:  M.Asienova


Number present: 20


Theme of the lesson: A web page

Learning objective (s) that this lesson is contributing to a limited range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts on familiar and some unfamiliar general and curricular topics; begin to link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges; use with minimal support  appropriate layout at text level for a growing range of written genres on familiar general and curricular topics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to: read an article about the Burning Man Festival in the USA.

Most learners will be able to: talk about festivals.

Some learners will be able to: write about the events they participated in or  write about the last festival they went to.

Success criteria

Read the given fiction or non-fiction text and identify the general information Interact in a pair, group and a whole class work presenting

Value links

Labour and creativity, cooperation

Cross curricular links   



Stages of the lesson

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)

Teacher’s notes



Greet students; students respond to greeting and take their places.

Hello, boys and girls! How are you?

Background Nevada is a state in the south-west United States. It takes its name from the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

Warm up


• Books closed. Ask: What is a festival? Elicit the answer and write it on the board (a festival is a period of celebration with special events). Elicit famous examples, e.g. Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Carnival in Rio, Las Fallas in Valencia.

• Put students into pairs to tell each about the festivals they have

been to.

• Ask some students to tell the class about the festivals their partner has been to.



Ask students to open their books at page 67.

• Put students into pairs to look at the photos and answer the question. You could introduce some vocabulary here to help students describe the photos, e.g. statue, balloons, desert.

2 • Ask students to read the text to check their answers to Exercise 1.

Answers People

build a wooden statue of a person and they burn it.


Before students do the exercise, check their understanding of the following

vocabulary: goggles (noun): glasses which fit closely to the face and which

protect the eyes from dust, water, etc. dust (noun): a fine, dry powder made

up of particles of earth or other matter chain (noun): a series of objects,

such as metal rings, linked together.

• Ask students to read the FAQs about The Burning Man Festival, then work in pairs to match the questions to the paragraphs in the text.

•Encourage students to make links between the questions and the text, e.g.

Question F asks Why is it called The Burning Man Festival? Students should

therefore look for a paragraph which gives a reason.

• Check answers with the class and then read out the information in the FACT! box.


2 B 3 F

4 A 5 C 6 E


4.Explore phrasal verbs with up

• Tell students that get up is an example of a phrasal verb, i.e. a phrase made up

of a verb and a preposition or adverb. Explain that phrasal verbs have very

specific meanings and are very common in informal written and spoken English.

Elicit further examples of phrasal verbs and put them on the board, e.g. wake

up, turn off, look for.



Put students into pairs to complete the sentences with the verbs in the box in

the correct form. Tell students to use the context of the highlighted phrasal

verbs in the text to help them decide which phrasal verbs are required to

complete the sentences. Check answers.

• To extend work on the vocabulary, you could ask students to turn to the

Vocabulary Bank on page 126 and do the exercises for Explore phrasal verbs

with up.



3 light

4 show

5 set

6 picked

Optional activity


• Put students into pairs.

• Ask students to describe an action. Their partner sayswhat phrasal verb could be used in the deion e.g. Student A: I bought some milk from the shop.Student B: You picked up some milk!

Your turn


5 • Put students into pairs to ask and answer the questions.

• Ask some students to report back to the class on what theirpartner said.

6 • Read out the example sentence.

• Give students a few minutes to write a brief deion of the last festival they

went to. Students should write around100 words.

•Monitor while students write their deions. Help with vocabulary as necessary.

•Collect and check students’ work.


Optional activity


• Put students into small groups to design their own festival.

• Students give their festival a name, explain what the festival celebrates, come up with a programme of events and design a poster advertising their festival.

• Students present their poster to the class.

•Display the posters on the wall and ask the class to vote for its favourite.



Set Exercise 5 on page 48 of the Workbook for homework.


Additional Information

Differentiation- how do you plan to give more support?

Assessment - how are you planning to check learners` learning?

Health and

safety check ICT links

More support will be given to weaker learners by giving them a modified worksheets in some tasks with greater support

-through questioning and the redirecting of questioning in feedback activities

-through observation in group and end performance activities

-through formative task



-Health promoting techniques

-Breaks and physical activities used.

-Points from Safety rules used at this lesson.



Answer the most relevant questions to reflect on your lesson.

Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn? What did/didn’t you like? What was difficult?

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