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"Chemical dominoes " тақырыбында сыныптан тыс сабақ. Заманбекқызы Ж


"Chemical dominoes"

тақырыбында сыныптан тыс сабақ  

Сыныбы:10 «А,Б»

Пән мұғалімі: Заманбекқызы Ж

Пәні: Химия (ағ.тілінде)

"Құзіреттілікке бағытталған білім - жаратылыстану

бағытында" атты онкүндіктің (15.01.18-25.01.18) 16.01.18 жылы 15.50-де

басталатын 10-сыныптар арасында өтілетін "Chemical dominoes"


Білімділік: Оқушылардың

химия пәнінен білімін ағылшын тілі көмегімен тексеру. Сайыс арқылы химия

пәнінен білімдерін жетілдіру.


Оқушыларды ізденгіштікке,

ұтымды жауап айта білуге, тапқырлыққа баулу.

Тәрбиелік: Белсенділікке, жан-жақтылыққа, уақытын тиімді пайдалануға

болуға тәрбиелеу. Студенттерді бойына

адами игі қасиеттерді қалыптастыруға тәрбиелеу.

Қатысушылар: 10 "А",

"Б" сынып оқушылары


Әдісі: сұрақ – жауап,

ойын, топтық жұмыс


І. Ұйымдастыру



Good afternoon, children and teachers! I am

very glad to see you. Now we'll organize a competition called "Chemical

dominoes ". Two teams will take part in a game. It

is time to introduce yourselves. Who is the captain of the first team?

Pupil 1: I am the captain

of the team. The name of our team is “_______”. Our motto is “______!”

Quiz-leader: Who is the

captain of the second team?

Pupil 2: I am the captain

of the team. The name of our team is “________”.

Our motto is “________!”

Quiz-leader: Today all of

you have a good chance to improve your knowledge of chemistry with the help of  English. Now I have invited a jury who will

count the points. The members of our jury are …

1. English teacher - Gapu N.Z

2. Chemistry teacher - Eslyamova U.B

I am going to introduce you how to play this game. The

game has 3 contests, they are:

1. What is it?

2. Who is quicker?

3. Pictures

are speaking

I hope you’ll enjoy our lesson and be friendly to each

other. I wish you a good luck! Let’s start.

II. Негізгі бөлім

1. Quiz-leader: The first contest

of the game called “What is it?”. Well, guys. And now

look at the whiteboard. There are some boxes with numbers. Every team choose

the box by turns. To decide which team start I want to invite captains of each

group. Everyone of you will choose sheets of paper. Who will have a star in the

paper, so this group will start. You have 1 minute at your disposal. Listen to

me very carefully (Presentation) .

2. Quiz-leader: And now we come to

the second contest which is called “Who is quicker?”. I need a

pupil from each team. You should answer the questions only "Yes" or

"No" as quickly as you can in a minute. Is it clear? As always

"_____________" starts. Are you ready?



The metal Gallium can melt in your

hand. Yes


The nonmetal that is liquid at

room temperature is mercury. No (it's Bromine, because mercury is metal)


Water has 2 aggregate states. No 3


The carbon has 4 valence in carbon dioxide. Yes

5.      If you mix half

a liter of alcohol and half a liter of water, the total volume of the liquid

will be less than one liter. Yes


Outstanding physicist Rutherford got Nobel Prize in

Chemistry. Yes


Dihydrogen monoxide is very dangerous substances. no it's water


The rubidium with water reacts very actively even

explodes. Yes



The pure gold is soft. Yes

2.     The metal using in

roentgen is Rhodium. No Technetium

3.     The sulfur has 2 valence in

sulfur monoxide. Yes


Nonmetals are more than

metals in the PT. No


The iron reacts with

water very actively. No a lot of years.


Hot water freezes more quickly than cold water! yes


When you pour salt into

water, the level of the water may go down instead of go up. yes 

8.  Outstanding chemist Mendeleev was discovered the PT in 1969. No in 1869


3. Our next contest

is called “Pictures are speaking”. I'll give each team rebuses. You should find correct answer and

give jury in 5 minutes.

x``III. Қорытынды бөлім.

Quiz-leader: Dear friends, do

you like playing a game? Before our jury will add up the score of the game I

want to suggest you playing the game. So, I want to organize the game with

pupils who didn't participate in the competition.

I need a pupil. I'll paste sticker on your forehead

where is written a word. You have to ask questions and the rest can only answer

'yes' or 'no'. For example, Am I human? Have I got horns?

Please, I want to invite our jury to listen to the

result of today's competition.

Jury: The score is … to

… in smb’s favour. The team “…” the winner.

 So, the

competition is over. Thank all of you for coming and participating. See you


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